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Our Resilience Building Program


Resilience refers to the power or ability to recover readily from, or adapt to changes; it involves the elasticity of the mind in times of difficulty and adversity. We define resilience as the ability to make the most out of a new situation, whether they come in the form of a “crisis” or an “opportunity.” 

Resilience is a valuable skill to own, and it can be mastered by strengthening the following 4 skills:

  1. Stress Management

  2. Relationship Building

  3. Flexible & Positive Thinking

  4. Maintaining Motivation


Through coaching and NLP*, we offer resilience building training programs

that are based on research in positive psychology and neuroscience.

* Neuro-Linguistic Programming

4 Skills to Increase Resilience
Skill #1: Stress Management


According to a survey by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that examined the citizens’ lifestyle, 60% responded as feeling stressed. When working through a stressful situation, that stress can lead to positive outcomes of learning new lessons and building character, but it can also lead to negative outcomes of feeling low, losing appetite, and increased alcohol consumption. In order to build self-resilience, it is important to replace behaviors and attitudes that lead to negative results with constructive ones such as using positive affirmation. It is important to be aware of negative feelings that accompany stress and implement strategies that effectively deal with the stress and emotions. 


Program Agenda

Skill #2: Building Relationships

Healthy relationships and keeping good company can make us more resilient. In a time of crisis, emotional damages incurred and the rate of recovery is greatly affected by whether there is someone willing to offer assistance, give encouragement, and work through the situation together. When taking on a challenge, the support and encouragement from a friend can make it easier to press on and to keep focus. In order to build resilience, it is important to learn how to establish reciprocal relationships in which each party bears a responsibility for the welfare of the other, thus creating a win-win situation. Learning about servant leadership and followershipfollowership can be beneficial in building resilience in the workplace as well.


Program Agenda

Skill #3: Flexible & Positive Thinking


According to positive psychology, the ability to look at a situation from a different angle and notice the good in it is a necessary skill for resilience. In difficult situations, thinking negatively, “Why is this happening to me? Bad things always happen to me!” narrows our perspective and inhibits us from taking action. On the other hand, by understanding that circumstances are temporary, we can develop a positive outlook and explore options to deal with the situation. Persistently pushing through a traumatic event can be a virtue, but it is also important to allow ourselves to adapt to the situation and look on the bright side. This ability to adapt demonstrates resilience as it brings about serenity, hope, and emotional agility. 


Program Agenda


Skill #4: Maintaining Motivation


We are highly motivated and focused when engaging in activities that utilizes our strengths and talents. We can be so immersed in the activity that we lose track of time, and even when things get complicated, we can continue on without being discouraged. Maintaining high levels of motivation is essential to being resilient. Staying motivated requires self-respect that values our self, a strong purpose to achieving that goal, and confidence in our efficacy. In the face of adversity, the ability to recall our self-worth and formulate a reason to continue on quickens the rate of recovery. As a corporate leader, learning how to clearly portray the company’s vision to each employee and creating a positive working environment can foster resilience in the workplace.


Program Agenda

Outline of Resilience Building Training Program


We offer resilience building training programs that strengthen these 4 skills.


Factors that build resilience

  1. Stress Management

  2. Building Relationships

  3. Flexible & Positive Thinking

  4. Maintaining Motivation


Corporate Needs and resilience Factors 

Increasing corporate resilience  -> 1,2,3,4

Creating a strong corporate structure that can withstand stress  -> 1,2,3 

Improving employees’ stress management skills  -> 1,3 

Strengthening communication skills  -> 2  

Boosting employees’ motivation  -> 2,4


  • All training programs include a lecture and a workshop for the participants. 

  • Duration: Half day or longer depending on the program

  • Minimum # of participants: 10 people

  • Potential participants: corporate executive members, individuals, organizational unit, etc.


The following are some other in-depth training programs that we offer:

  • Stress Management Workshop: living in a stressful society

  • Stress Management and Communication: making your organization more resilient

  • Resilience Workshop: building self-resilience

  • Strength Training: knowing your strengths


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Skill #1: Stress Management


  • Filling out a simple questionnaire to check stress levels 

  • How stress works and 3 responses to stress

  • Verbalizing negative emotions

  • Using positive affirmation in a stressful situation

  • Correcting assumptions that cause stress 

  • Ways to relieve stress 

For corporate leaders


  • Listening actively to determine employees’ stress factors

  • Mitigating your employees’ stress factors

  • Utilizing data from the stress check questionnaire in your management

  • Formulating an action plan


Skill #2: Building Relationships


  • Applying coaching techniques in conversations

  • Effective communication that satisfies the addressee

  • Assertiveness in establishing a win-win relationship

  • Improving relationships with others

  • Developing empathy and the desire to contribute

For corporate leaders


  • Constructing the Trust Pyramid

  • Leadership and followership

  • Team building

  • Formulating an action plan

Skill #3: Flexible & Positive Thinking


  • Understanding the connection between emotion and behavior

  • Avoiding negative statements

  • Correcting illogical assumptions

  • Using positive affirmation

For corporate leaders


  • Creating a cheerful and positive working environment

  • Characteristics of an enthusiastic leader

Skill #4: Maintaining motivation


  • Filling out a self-assessment questionnaire (categorize according to types, determine resiliency, etc.)

  • StrengthsFinder assessment (from Gallup, Inc. website)

  • Cognitive processes that leverage positive affirmation

  • Constructing your motivation curve

  • Vision making

For corporate leaders


  • Motivation management in an organization

  • Permeating the corporate vision throughout the organization

  • Creating an organization that leverage employee talents

  • Formulating an action plan

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